About Anders Fogh Jensen


Anders Fogh Jensen (born 13 May 1973) is an independent Danish philosopher, author and lecturer.
He delivers courses and offers online and live talks about his works, books and field of study.


Fogh Jensen holds a Licencié en philosophie (BA) from Université de Paris I, an MA (cand.phil.) in philosophy from the University of Odense, Denmark, Diplomé d’Etudes Approfondies from the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, France and a Ph.D. from the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Fogh Jensen writes books, plays, articles and essays. He is involved in philosophical salons and gives talks, lectures and delivers courses. In his lectures, Fogh Jensen offers a philosophical view of fundamental themes, and of developing trends. He participates in current social debates on radio and on TV, as well as in printed and digital media, where he takes a philosophical look at contemporary life. He has held a number of positions as external associate professor at Danish universities and educational institutions.

In his work Fogh Jensen deals with several urgent questions, which are posed by the society of today. The answers, that he gives, sprout from the deep roots of the history of philosophy and are applied in analysis upon the current problems and dichotomies facing the individual and society today. In his work Fogh Jensen answers two of the most profoundly philosophical questions; how to live a meaningful life and how to organize and manage society well. The theoretical framework is located at the boundaries between philosophy and its related fields of study, e.g. psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy of science, which is explored in his books:

Books about organization, state and epidemics:

The books
Project People (2009) and The Project Society (2009) centers around the projecitification of everything. Today work, leisure, love, health, schooling and self-development seem to be flowing together in one big, chaotic mess. But the books explain that this mess has its own order: The project. We are dealing with time, space and each other in new ways - marked by temporariness, uncertainty, ad hoc solutions, overbookings, cancellations and the absence of clear expectations to the individual. The temporary 'yes' dominates our daily lives as the passage from one thing to another has become a chronic condition. Read more about the books and buy here.

In 2018 Fogh Jensen co-wrote the book
Pseudowork - How We Ended Up Being Busy Doing Nothing with anthropologist Dennis Nørmark. In 2021 the book was published in English. The book investigates the conundrum of how we ended up working so much and keeping so busy with seemingly pointless work tasks. Through interviews with a range of different employees, leaders and CEOs they seek to answer the question of why economists and great thinkers, who a mere 100 years ago speculated about the rise of the leisure society with a 15-hour work week, ended up being so sorely mistaken. Read more about the book and buy here.

Most recently Fogh Jensen has published the book
Brave New Normal, Learning from Epidemics (2021), in which he explains how epidemics through history have shaped our world today. The book tells the story of epidemics, organization and control from the 13th century to the present. Fogh Jensen places the coronavirus pandemic into a historical perspective and illuminates a range of strategies used to combat epidemics and the thinking behind them, and shows how epidemics inspire and act as catalysts for the brave new normal. Read more about the book and buy here.

Books about existentialism, being and psychology:
In his book
How Should I Live my Life, Kierkegaard? (2013) The existential question of how to live one's life is answered through readings of Kierkegaard. The question of how to live one's life is a topic which is also dealt with in the book Narrative Conversations, Explanations From the Engine Room (2020), in which Fogh Jensen takes a look at the widely popular discipline of Narrative therapy through the critical and analytical lens of philosophy.

Books about truth, power and language:
In the books
In Between Things. Foucault’s Philosophy (2005 and 2012) and The Cartography of Power (2006), Fogh Jensen maps out and traces the concept of power in both Foucault's and Bourdieu's philosophy. He answers the question of where and how the two philosophers differ in their philosophical stand points, as well as lays out their philosophical groundwork for their thinking, and helps you understand, what power is and how it is connected to language. The book The Power of Metaphor. The Foetuses of Imagination and the Births of Reason (2001) also deals with the concepts of language and power and explains what a metaphor is and why it is such a linguistically powerful tool.



Curriculum Vitae


Anders Fogh Jensen

Nationality: Danish
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: www.filosoffen.dk & www.philosophers.net
Phone: (+45) 42 47 00 00

Adress, work: Filosoffen, Himmelbjergvej 59, Laven, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark



Independent philosopher, author, playwright, lecturer, speaker.
Philosophical consultant
Organizer of Educational Journeys and Philosophical Confirmation.


Education, research, teaching



2007   Ph.D., Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

2002   Diplômé d’Études Approfondies, philosophie, Philosophy, University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne   

1997   Master of Philosophy. Odense University

1996   Licencié en philosophie– philosophy. University of Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne

2007   Assessed associate professor qualification. University of Copenhagen
          Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Department of Literature and Modern Culture.

2003-07  Ph.D fellowship. University of Copenhagen
              Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Department of Literature and Modern Culture.

Teaching in philosophy and related topics, incl. supervision and examination

2015-16  Aarhus University. Department of Pedagogy and Education. Part-time lecturer, pedagogical philosophy.

2014-15  Metropolitan University College. Department of Social Work. Assistant Professor. 

2013-14  University of Copenhagen. Part-time lecturer in history of philosophy; Modern philosophy; 20th century philosophy. 

2013-14  Copenhagen Business School, Pedagogy and Philosophy, Department of Management. Part-time Associate Professor.

2012       Johan Borups Folk High School, Copenhagen. High school teacher, philosophy and politics.

2008-11  Dispuk. Teacher and consultant.

2001-07  Copenhagen Business School. Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. Part-time lecturer.

2007       Suhrs seminar. Copenhagen. Part-time lecturer.

2003       University of Copenhagen. Department of Literature and Modern Culture. Teaching assistant (Amanuensis)

1998-2002   Aarhus University. Department of Linguistics. Part-time lecturer.

2001-2002   University of Copenhagen. Department of Political Science. Part-time lecturer.

2001-2002   University of Copenhagen. Department of Literature and Modern Culture. Part-time lecturer.

2000-2001   University of Southern Denmark. Department of Philosophy. Part-time lecturer.

2000-2001   University of Southern Denmark. Department of Cand.Negot. Part-time lecturer.

1998-2000   Aarhus university. Department of Romance Languages. Part-time lecturer.




Books translated into English 

2021              Brave New Normal. Learning From Epidemics. Forlaget Filosoffen. 187 pages

2021              Pseudowork. How We Ended Up Being Busy Doing Nothing. Gyldendal. 235 pages, with Dennis Nørmark.

2012             The Project Society: Aarhus University Press. 148 pages


Books (sole author)


2020              Narrative Conversations, Explanations From the Engine Room (Narrative samtaler. Forklaringer fra maskinrummet). Hans Reitzels forlag. 351 pages


2020              Questions of Epidemics, Answers of Civilizations (Pest eller Corona? Epidemiernes spørgsmål, Civilisationernes svar). Forlaget Filosoffen. 181 pages


2013              How Should I Live My Life, Kierkegaard? (Hvordan skal jeg leve mit liv, Kierkegaard?) Copenhagen: Akademisk forlag. 169 pages


2011              Epi-Demos. A Little Book on Big Epidemics. (Epi-demos. En lille bog om store epidemier). Forlaget THP. 110 pages

2009              Project People (Projektmennesket). Aarhus University Press. 148 pages


2009             The Project Society (Projektsamfundet). Aarhus University Press. 385 pages


2006              The Cartography of Power. Foucault and Bourdieu (Magtens kartografi. Foucault og Bourdieu). Unge pædagoger. 152 pages


2005 & 2012 Foucault’s Philosophy (Mellem ting. Foucaults filosofi).

Det lille forlag 2005 / Second Revised Edition, Forlaget THP, 2012. 352 pages


2001              The Power of Metaphor. The Foetuses of Imagination and the Births of Reason (Metaforens magt. Fantasiens fostre og fornuftens fødsler). Modtryk. 252 pages




Books (co-author)

2022              가짜노동 Pseudowork, How we ended up being busy doing nothing translated into Korean. Jaeum & Moeum Publishing Co


2021              Pseudoarbeid, Hvordan vi fikk det travelt med å gjøre ingenting. Strev Forlag. Med Dennis Nørmark. 


2021              Pseudowork, How we ended up being busy doing nothing. Gyldendal. Co-written with  Dennis Nørmark.


2018              Pseudowork. How We Ended Up Being Busy Doing Nothing (Pseudoarbejde. Hvordan vi fik travlt med at lave ingenting). Gyldendal. 294 pages, with Dennis Nørmark.



Articles, peer reviewed, journals


2023              "The Philosophical History of Projectification: The Project Society" in Projectification of Organizations, Governance and Societies - Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Implications, pp.17-37, Palgrave


2018              “Brak dazialania napawa nas niepokojem” in Zarzadzanie-w-Kulturze, no. 19., 2018; pp. 321-327

                          Article in Polish on The Project Society


2016           Jensen, A., Thuesen, C., & Geraldi, J.: “The Projectification of Everything: Projects as a Human Condition” in Project Management Journal, 47(3); pp. 21-34

                      Winner Article of the Year Award, Project Management Institute





2022             "Projektmanagement für die Gesellschaft" in Projektmanagement Aktuell, vol. 33.


2020              ”Postscript About the One and the Other” (”Efterskrift om det ene og det andet”) in Caspar W. Tornøe: Hegel’s Philosophy (Hegels filosofi), Fønix/Eksistensen.


2020              ”Justice. Not the Distribution Key of Life” (”Retfærdighed. Ikke tilværelsens fordelingsnøgle”), in The Seven Virtues, the Demand of Formation, (De syv dyder, Dannelsens fordring), Eksistensen.


2020              ”The Historical Footprint of Epidemics” (”Epidemiernes historiske aftryk”) in The Epidemic Society (Det epidemiske samfund), Hans Reitzel.


2017              “The Transformation” – introduction to the new translation of the Book of Job (”Forvandlingen” – indledning til nyoversættelsen af Jobs bog). Copenhagen: Bibelselskabet.


2013              ”Gevangenis, kerke, voetbalveld. Of hoe de maatschppij én projectmaatschappij is geworden.” Mechelen: Contour.


2013              ”Prison, Church, Football pitch. Or how society became a project society.” Mechelen: Contour.


2013              ”Speech that Works. Well” (”Tale der virker. Godt”) in Native Language Yearbook: Word to other (Modersmålselskabets årbog: Ord til anden).


2013              ”Philosophy is a Life” (”Filosofi er et liv”) in Foundations in Applied Philosophy (Grundbog i anvendt filosofi) Aalborg: Mindspace.

”Odysseus' Gift” (”Odysseus gave”) in Should Life Resemble a Final Sprint?

(Skal livet ligne en slutspurt?) Aarhus: Klim.

2011              ”Capitalism and Criticism. Boltanski & Chiapello”

(”Kapitalisme og kritik. Boltanski & Chiapello”)

in Left-Wing New Thinkers (Venstrefløjens nye tænkere), Århus: Slagmark.


2010              ”About Collecting and Forgetting” (”Om samling og glemsel”) in Kaspar Bonnen: Collection (Samling) Odense: Brandts Klædefabrik.


2004              ”The Control System of Lliberation” (”Befrielsens styresystem”) in Dalager and Jørgensen (eds.): Time for Respect (Tid til respekt), Copenhagen: Socialpolitisk forlag.


2003              ”Introduction” (”Indledning”) in Michel Foucault: Madness and Civilization (Galskabens historie). Frederiksberg: Det lille forlag.


2002              ”The captivating gaze” (”Det fængslende blik”) in Social Kritik no. 79.


2002              ”Introduction” (”Indledning”) in Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish (Overvågning og straf). Frederiksberg: Det lille forlag.



Theatre, playwright

2017     Sole author of the play They dance alone (De danser alene). Mammut Theatre, Rialto Theatre, Copenhagen.
            A staging of my dissertation on The Project Society (Projektsamfundet).
2014     Co-author and actor, The notion of a history (Forestillingen om en historie). About the 19th century. Century Festival, Godsbanen, Aarhus.
2014     Co-author of the play, The Seminar (Seminaret). Mammut Theatre, Copenhagen.
2004     Co-author, The Capital (Kapitalen). Mammut Theatre, Copenhagen.



Communications, dissemination, mediation

Public media communications
2000-    More than 350 interviews in newspapers, magazines, and on TV and radio.
            See: www.filosoffen.dk/index.php

Conferences and seminars
1997-    More than 400 talks and presentations at conferences and seminars

Electronic dissemination
2002-    Website with over 300 sub-pages with philosophical texts, and sound and video clips.
2017-    Own podcast, containing over 140 episodes (cf. Filosoffens podcast).

Arrangement and hosting of events
2020-    Arranger and host for Philosophical Confirmation, www.filosofiskkonfirmation.dk
2017-    Tour operator. Founder, travel manager, host and teacher of Educational journeys.
2015-16 Host of Philosophical Talkshow, Politikens hus
2013-15 Host and speaker, Philosophical salons, Vesterbro, Copenhagen.